Netflix - Narcos | Spark (TMG)

Infographic | Design | Advertising

Tools: Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Dreamweaver (HMTL, CSS), CMS

The project

I led the art direction and design of a series of engaging infographics for the On Demand Film section of The focus of this endeavor was to provide insightful context before the release of the second season of the highly anticipated Netflix series, "Narcos," shedding light on the intricate history of Pablo Escobar's rise and fall in the narcotics trade.

Overall concept

Our approach revolved around embedding these infographics strategically within the content of the article. This innovative design decision aimed to enhance the reader's experience by seamlessly integrating visual aids that corresponded with the article's narrative flow. Rather than opting for a singular large infographic, we opted for multiple infographics that could stand on their own while complementing the overall article.

Infographic creation

Each infographic was meticulously crafted to encapsulate a distinct aspect of Pablo Escobar's journey. By providing bite-sized, visually appealing information, we ensured that readers could easily navigate and absorb the historical details. This micro-level approach allowed for individual infographics to be searchable and shareable, contributing to a more user-friendly experience.

In summary

In summary, our approach of embedding multiple infographics within the content contributed to a holistic and immersive storytelling experience. By thoughtfully segmenting Pablo Escobar's journey into digestible visual components, we not only enhanced the article's engagement but also offered a novel way for readers to explore the intricate history behind the infamous Netflix drama.